Dental Bonding

Digital Bonding Services

Evening Hours Available

Serving You Since 1983

Emergency Visits Available


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Why Choose Staffordshire Dental Group?

Choosing the right dentist is a crucial decision that can significantly impact your oral health. At Staffordshire Dental Group, we are proud to be recognized as New Jersey's Top Dentist, a testament to our commitment to providing high-quality dental care. We're here to make you smile!

We offer dental care catered to your needs. Our team is compassionate, and we have a full range of restorative and cosmetic options for the whole family. Plus, we accept major insurance plans, ensuring our services are accessible to all.

Schedule an appointment with Staffordshire Dental Group today. Get in touch now!


Compassionate Care


Over 40 Years of Experience

Local and Family-Owned

New Jersey's Top Dentist

Discover Your Best Smile With Us

Dental bonding can improve the appearance of chipped, broken, cracked, and stained teeth and fill in spaces between teeth. Dentists apply a thin layer of tooth-colored composite resin to the teeth to restore chips and cracks, fill in gaps or cover stains, and provide patients with a more attractive and functional smile.

Digital imaging uses an X-ray machine like that used for dental radiographs made with film. But instead of film in a plastic holder, digital images are made using a small electronic sensor or image receptor that is placed in your mouth to capture the X-ray image.

Unlike conventional X-ray film, which may take between three and five minutes to process, a digital X-ray image can be viewed quickly on the computer screen. The image is displayed in a large format on a computer screen, rather than the small X-ray film that is viewed on a light box.

  • Specific problem areas of a tooth can be enhanced with magnification as well as brightness and contrast alterations. Viewing an enhanced X-ray image on a computer screen can help. Patients can more easily understand a dental problem or condition and discuss options for treatment.
  • Digital X-rays are stored on a computer and can be printed, emailed, copied, or sent to other dental offices that may need an image of a particular tooth. X-rays can easily be compared to a future X-ray image to see if and how conditions have changed.
  • Digital X-rays are environmentally friendly. They eliminate the need for film and film processing chemicals that generate biohazardous waste. Special light boxes to view the traditional x-ray films are no longer needed.

Work With New Jersey's Top Dentist

Choosing Staffordshire Dental Group means choosing a dental practice that puts you first. Here's why you should contact us today:

  • In practice for over 40 years
  • Variety of dental services
  • Evening hours and emergency visits
  • Named New Jersey's Top Dentist
  • Local and family-owned practice
  • Serving you since 1983
  • Works with major insurance companies
  • Compassionate, patient-centered dental care

Don't wait to get the dental care you need. Reach out to us at Staffordshire Dental Group today.

Get in Touch for Dental Bonding Services

At Staffordshire Dental Group, we're ready to provide you with quality dental care. Our Dental bonding services are just one way we're committed to your dental health. Contact us today and let us take care of your smile today and for the future.


Experience The Joy Of A Healthy Smile

Call to schedule dental bonding services for your teeth and we'll work with your insurance.

(856) 627-3400

(856) 627-3400

Excellent experience. The doctor took a lot of time with me, listened to my concerns. I would highly recommend.

- Arlene L. via Google

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Staffordshire Dental Group P.A.

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